Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Coding as of with Workout

Coding as of with Workout 🏃

HTML is like doing exercise - Doing exercise only does not makes your body looks good. So, you have to add CSS. 

CSS is like training each and every part of our body - Training each and every part makes it stronger but it doesn't Showcase your physic. So, we have to add some Scriptings.

Scripting is creating our own training routine for ourselves - Now all come good, but we have to keep our calories counted. So, we must need a Database or Repository.

The database keeps data on what we eat every day.

Like this,... to have a good website we need to concentrate on the contents(HTML), make the attractive(CSS), make the website user-friendly (Scripting - React, Vanilla, Angular,.) and Database helps to store the data.

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